Sign up for Sprinkler Services
Suburban Lawn
41 W 481 Rt. 38
Elburn, Illinois 60119
Phone(630) 443-0124      Fax (630) 443-0475
SPRING STARTUP includes:  pressurizing system, reinstalling RPZ (if needed), and testing for leaks, opening each zone manually, checking valves and heads for proper operation and adjustment, testing rain sensor. Spring startups begin the end of April, weather permitting.

 FALL WINTERIZING includes:  Blowing out each zone manually with an air compressor and removing RPZ (if needed). Winterizing begins October 1st and systems should be shut down by October 31 st.
SP   _______ Plan A: Prepaid Spring and Fall Winterize................$130.00 
SW _______ Plan B: Prepaid Winterize   ...........................................70.00
SPC_______ Plan C: Prepaid Spring with Cert. & Fall Winterize......190.00
SSC_______ Plan D: Prepaid Spring with Cert. ...............................120.00
SC  _______ Plan E: Prepaid Certification .........................................60.00
SS   _______ Plan F: Spring Startup...................................................65.00
SWC  _____ Plan G: Certification & Fall Winterize .........................130.00

Any parts used, not under warranty, will be billed separately

Enclosed is my payment in the amount of _____________ to schedule the service plan chosen above.



 CITY, STATE, ZIP______________________________________________

 PHONE Home#_____________Work#_____________  Cell #______________

MC/VISA______________________________EXP DATE________________


Only customers that have signed up for the package will receive a courtesy call for setting up appointments.  All systems must be winterized by October 31st or may be subject to an additional service call fee. It is the Customers responsibility to make sure that we receive your payment and if you do not hear from us, please feel free to call us to set up the appointment. This offer is only good for Customers who purchased a sprinkler system from Suburban Lawn.

 Offer Expires March 1, 2008.  Please return the full sheet.

Last updated Dec 11, 2004